
Website Development Process

LocalSignal has two options for getting started on a new web capsule. Developers can either:

Getting Started

After setting up your client account on LocalSignal, click on the Website link in the main navigation menu to begin. You will be taken to the Web Capsules area of the app. LocalSignal Web Capsules contain all of your website's data.

  1. Select New Capsule to begin the process

  2. Browse through the websites provided and choose one that fits your specific needs.

Install the starter website into your account. Alternatively, you can begin with a Blank Web Capsule.

Using a Starter Website

LocalSignal offers Starter Websites for quick development time. Starter Websites are full fledged website that can be utilized in just a few clicks. LocalSignal Starter Websites include uniquely designed:

  • Pages
  • Panels
  • Page Layouts
  • Blog Layouts
  • Assets
  • Dummy Content
  • Custom Styling
  • Menus & Forms
  • Scripts
  • Image/ Text Placeholders

Starting with a Blank Web Capsule

Developers can begin a new project with a blank web capsule.


The first step to customizing a client website is to update the Sitemap with the website’s pages. At a minimum, each Web Capsule will have the following default pages

  • Home Page

  • Page Not Found (404) Page

  • Maintenance Mode Page

Note: These pages cannot be deleted.

Each unique starter website will have additional Pages shown in the sitemap. Add, delete, move, and modify pages for your client.

Page Layouts

LocalSignal Pages use panels as building blocks for a web page. Panels can be used across multiple pages. Depending on how the panel is coded, it will feature editable areas. The LocalSignal CMS attributes and values control what content is editable on the page.

The Page Layout allows you to edit which panels are used on a page. You can access the Layout area on a per page basis by selecting the page you’d wish to edit on the Sitemap and clicking the Layout button.

  • Drag and Drop Panels to rearrange the order

  • Remove Panels from a Page’s Layout

  • Add new Panels from the available list

Customizing Styles

Each Starter Website comes with a their own stylesheets. Navigate to the Scripts of your website to modify the CSS. The main places developers use to update styles are:

  • Main.scss

  • Variables (SCSS Includes)

  • Individual Panel CSS

Editing Content

In order to edit the content on a LocalSignal website, you must first navigate to the page you'd like to edit.

  1. Select Sitemap from the Website Navigation.
  2. The Sitemap displays all of your websites pages in an organized manner. Highlight the name of the page you wish to update by clicking on it. 
  3. Click the Content button to go to the individual page's Content Editor.
  4. Page content will be editable on the left. The page preview will be displayed on the right.
  5. Use the Save button to save a draft of your changes. Publish will update the live website of the changes made.

Learn More

Launching Websites

Once your website is ready to be launched, follow these steps to make your website live.

  1. Contact LocalSignal.